Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years 2009!

Wee the new year is here! have goals, plan a way to get tio the goal and keep to the plan

I have alot of retired toons so come winterveil time and other freebie events day I pickup alot of loots. I recently retired an epicly geared priest 70 just because I have 3 priests across 3 servers and I wouldn't want to do the same ole thing yet again. So I went with my alliance druid who got in to the guild she applied for.

In Game Goals:
1.) powerlevel priest #3 to 80 (I'm burnt out already just thinking about it)
2.) casually level priest #2 to 80 (once a week)
3.) casually level druid to 80 (once a week)
4.) get gold for all these epic mounts!
5.) gear up from all the special events epics
6.) pvp? maybe ..

The order doesn't matter but that these things get done. Waa i dont want to power level my priest again .. that was tiring

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