Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Profile

I'm one of the exotic girl gamers in WOW easy on the eyes, ears and a very good player. I'm a living myth .. like really a girl in WOW? yep! I made this blog so my WOW personality has a place to vent and talk. Over time I've picked up many priestly, healing, raiding, tricks and like to share them.

I have purposely avoided naming names, servers and other identifiable information as another blogger once said the world is a small place. I think I wouldn't be able to blog as freely if my identity was blown so anonymous it will be. Also RL and WOW need to stay separate. You know how it is. Professionally .. well who wants your boss to know about your WOW habit.

Update:  7/4/2010  Sleepy priest has come to an end after nearly 2 years I started blogging in december 2008.  This blog has been very therapuetic for me in terms of writing, talking, it was as if I had my own personal shrink. In writing down my WOW experience I've managed to record my experience and well I think in a few decades long after my subscription to blizzard has expired or perhaps the company no longer exists this will be my proof that I existed as a gamer, raider, priest lead .  Scary how one can go from hardcore raider to nearly nongamer.

I have enjoy my run as a raider priest, casual player and as a super casual well there's nothing much to post so I've decided to announce my retirement.   I am undergoing training as a RL healer and also redirected my writing passion to blogging about oh my current situation as a real healer in training.

Aspiring 3d Modeler - excellent conversation starter .. Everyone thinks i'm a model 
Artist!  I damm well gonna make some lunch money out of this cuz I'm an artist dammit. I sell my art!
Student  -- RL healer in training

I have a few projects that I've come up with: comic stripe, mini manga, anime creation and movie clips. I'm hoping some of these projects will mature into portfolio quality work.. and now if i caa only get started on all of them vs. lettting them die before it gets off the drafting table

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