Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Divided Loyalties: Did your guild reroll?

Whenever someone says reroll the first thing that comes to mind is what? how am i going to pay for everything w/o my AH Alt sugar daddy?

Recently my guild went inactive and rerolled onto hordeside. I did not go with them .. to me it felt like a sense of trust was betrayed .. you do not just take 2 years' worth of friendship, raids and just reroll w no discussion and what not.

So where did i go? lol no where and everywhere. I made a 2nd account rolled a level 1 on hordeside a placekeeper alt, and retreated in to my AH alts. and said screw this I'm going to do what I like best and that is making gold scoring a good deal and level with some RL friends/family. I only raided out of loyalty to the GM .. raiding was done for me some time in the AQ40 twin emps part. When T2 went out the window I was sad but with no end in sight .. I can't just reroll onto a new server to relevel from 1-70 just to raid? WTF that is not fun

So this leaves me in a tight spot. Some of my friends are still there .. while another bunch went to the new pve server so I made a compromise and got a 2nd wow account and rolled my alt on that acct so I could keep in touch with friends on both servers in my limited time. It's just like AIM with it's chat screens. downside i don't level at all

lol the side benefits are fun! PVE=Cross faction AH ! PVP= something about a little alliance or horde spy.

I now manage 5 AH alts: 2 on each server and faction and 1 on my guild's new server.
leveling 2 alts 1 on main server, 1 hordeside, 2 mini alts RPing as twins on my guild's reroll.

Funny i think i'm the lowest level main there ... i'm sure the guild will make a name for itself and admission will be selective. lol a normal level 5 can't possibly get in. I'm grandfathered in from old guild so the minimum level, gear and application stuff dont apply to me. Though the new members will probalby go WTF? how did this lowbie get in?.

Anyone back to the subject on gold. I didn't have any on this new server so it was a bit different. BUt hey i have 20g and level 15 ! that was from a few hours work on 1 day. erm i over priced a few things and cleaned house.

Some of the problems people had when they rerolled was that not everyone felt they fit in me i wanted some time off for myself so I purposely stayed in our inactive guild and didn't really log on much. othertimes were spent in the AH, leveling very casually a mage, pally. all on different servers.

Funny but the guild who i would call home is on the low level RP twin's server. I log in and get hellos .. otherwise my toons on other servers are all business elfs making it in gold and the occasional pug.

updated 8/26/08

the former people left on old server reformed until a new guild tag but soon that too got disbanded and off people went to hard core raiding guilds or another big casual raiding guild type or RP guild. I didn't join them because I felt that w/o our old GM and the bunch it's not the same and if that's the case I'd much rather solo and only chat with people on my friends list and not have to deal with the other jerks in guild chat. as a free agent :) I dont care about drama or who's who so long as I get my loots or in my case peace and quiet.

Anyways .. i get lonely in wow and went over to other reroll server and tagged along with the GM and the bunch it's fun.

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