Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life of the un-wower

I finally admit it .. I'm no longer a addicted WOWer .. wow ..damm .. that was shocking.   For a few seconds I was looking at the words, "No longer a WOWer"  then I thought about it some and decided that I am still a wower because I log in semi regularly and conduct transactions for gold via the AH and do the occassional strat run for the mount. 

Ah life as a non addicted wower.  There's so much more time and many more non-WOW things to do.  All these things are  all part of my ultimate plan well goals take planning and actually doing something about these goals require time.  There's a lot of inefficeny in here but still add up the hours and there's very little time for WOW.  Sure if i was way more efficient I'd probably be able to free up time for wow but things as they are I can't.

In any given week my life is like this:

Winter 2009
9-10am - wake up, shower, breakfast, get changed, pack lunch and out the door
10-11am- transportation
11am-9pm   real life (RL) projects, study, work, gym, friends or whatever
9-10 transportation
10-11:30pm  return home, dinner + wow, anime or read online papers
11:30pm-3am  more (RL) projects, study, work or whatever
3am  sleep

Spring 2010
6-6:30am - wake up, shower, breakfast, get changed, pack lunch and out the door
6:30-7:30am - transportation
8am-9pm -  real life (RL) projects, study, work, gym, friends or whatever
9-10pm transportation
10-12 midnite -  return home, dinner, wow, blog, anime or read online papers or scrap the fun stuff for projects/work
12am-6am - sleep

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