Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Commentary on Wow Addiction

Okies its been a year or two since my last post on WOW addiction. Personally I think WOW addiction is a life long life long battle and you're always watching and balancing the RL & WOW life. When WOW is greater than RL then its a problem otherwise I call it controlled use of a recreation drug. I'm of the opinion that WOW addicts have a addicting personalities that makes them more likely to have an addiction to start also that if it wasn't WOW then it would have been another game, drugs or what not.

Solution: Balance RL & WOW and always RL>WOW

There really isn't a quick fix for this problem, you either accept your addiction and work with it or be another WOW statistic someone who's life was destroyed by their addiction.

Your choices are to make sure that your RL is in order and that all responsibilities are taken care of then log on to WOW, cut off WOW entirely or be yet another broke assed WOW addict 30ish, living in thier retired parents basement. Its your choice. Ya real life sucks but that's the way it is.

Of course this is all from a former WOW addicts viewpoint. I'm a hardcore addict turned casual
altoholic and am on a self imposed WOW methadone maintenance program. I find other stimuli and things to do to occupy my spare time. Sports, hobbies, new friends and old all are ways of filling the void left by less WOW or no WOW. In many ways WOW is used to fill a void inside ourselves.

A word of advice - as Robin Williams once said about drugs - if you find yourself playing Warcraft, and you fall asleep and you're still playing Warcraft and then you wake up and you're doing Warcraft except your family has left you and you stink and there's a starved dead pet at your feet and all you can worry about is where you left your Hammer of the Naaru - WARNING!

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