Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ex-WOW Addict 2 years later

Can you believe it ? its been 2 years since I was seriously addicted to WOW which got me fired, then I mulched off of savings for a year .. and finally faced reality took a month long break off wow or did I .. erm i dont remember BUT I did go into rehab of sorts for 1.5 years a friend took me under his wing and gave me a focus to work on and that was math .. so yea I studied math for a year while i refocused. Then I went back to work for about 9 months or 1 year as a temp making some big monies and after the assignment ended I took my vacation/bonus monies/savings and collected unemployment for 6 months while I studied 3d art but was still not ready by 6 months time so i went back to school for a nursing degree ... Right now I'm 1 semester away from competing for a slot in nursing clinicals and am finishing up my pre-nursing classes. Oh my gPa is competitive as hell afterall I'm hardcore raider at heart but no longer raid as I refuse to allow raiding to suck me back into wow addiction.

WOW Addiction is a strange thing .. non addicts can never understand that addiction is never over just controlled and that it requires constant vigilance. I channel my wow addiction into other interests and leave some time for wow I am always monitoring my wow usage and myself. I ask myself on a weekly basis am I ok? did i take care of RL business and am I on track in RL (real life) is my career, school, goals on track. Have I let RL stuff slide while I wow? if the answer is no to any of these I take a step back and figure out the problem and if WOW's taking up the time that i should have used to do these then the choice is simple I put down wow and take care of business. If you find that you cannot stop WOWing and RL is a mess then do yourself a favor and admit you have a problem: you are a wow addict and you need to stop and fix your life.

These days I wow whenever on school semesters as in once a week or less and on spring/summer breaks I switch back ito hardcore player and gear up.

The ability to not let wow interfere with RL is what separates a wow addict from a wow player.

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