Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Casual player's guide to raiding guilds

Hello everyone,
This is a post by a raider turned casual player on what to expect from a guild or raiding guild.
Ask yourself this .. Why do I want to be in a raiding guild? What do i need from them? what do I have to offer? Most casuals would die to be in a high level raiding guild as you get to walk around with an elite guild tag.

Depending on your answer a raiding guild may be right or wrong for you.

Many a times a casual player will want to get into a raiding guild with the intention that they wont raid but will want to go on a farm raid with their guild. That doesn't happen raiding guilds do not do old content or farm easier instances with their main or alts for that. They and their guild are only there for progression and new content. Sure on occasion they will hop on an alt or indulge a guildie with a run through but that is rare.

I remember a certain post by a raider, "In my eyes the only Achievememts to be noticed and celebrated are our progression, bosses downed etc". This in short sums up what is a raiding guilds its all about progression.

I enjoy being in a raid guild because the quality of players are higher everyone there knows thier class and if I am doing a heroic I'd like to have access to these players over the generic soso pugs. For the most part I pug most of my instances but do offer guildies first dibs should they be interested. My friendly / pleasant personality and awesome healing skills makes the guild's non raid times a bit more fun as I usually am running some heroic, old world instance, raid or another AND I'm leading it so i offer a chance to do instances that they otherwise wont do.

What type of casuals fit in to raiding guilds.
independant players, quiet people who dont need much socialization, soloers, basically you can and do function just fine with or without the guild. And you are there to occasionally offer a break from thier progression grind with your heroics. You still need to know your class as no one likes a noob casual who's only there to leech.

How to get in?
Connections you must know people who will vouch for you. Casual players dont belong in raid so either you were a former raider on good terms with the guild but RL came up so they made an exception for you or you are good friends with some of thier members and they allow you to join as a nonraider friends status. My friends from an old guild which transfered servers went to this raiding guild and made officership, then coincidentallly another friend has an alt in this guild but is good friends with the GM so walla there you go my story.

Casual player expectations:

Why am I here:
Ask yourself these questions otherwise you wont be happy even should you manage to get a highly coveted guild invite as a casual in a riading guild. As a causal player you really have no business in a raid guild so if you are hoping for a raid spot just because you're a guildie look else where. Phat epics? They have strict gear requirements for raider applicants and they wont gear anyone up. Go gear up then apply. Farm raids and epics? no they dont do that here this is a progression guild. Heroics/old raids? they spend most of thier time doing progression raids wait until raid off days which is 1-2 days only and people farm on off days for repair gold . Comradre? eh no. either you're a raider or you're not.

solo playing - your guild is busy raiding up the newest content so you're on your own for leveling or whatever it is you like to do in wow.

Look at where your guild members are located before you type a LF4M Heroic xyz or can anyone help me with? If everyone's located in a city or otherwise out of a raid instance this is fine. IF you see that most of your guild is raiding up the cutting edge dungeon noo do not post your LFM or LFG requests it shows a lack of aweness on your part .. besides not like anyone's going to answer you with a yes because they're raiding. I time my LFG requests when they're done with raids so I get a positive reply.

I usually lead my own groups as people have thier friends and well there's only 5 slots so that doesn't always leave room for me. Besides when a guild sees that this casual player of thiers always has some heroic run or raid going they are more willing to join your groups than if you are always begging for a slot in thier groups.

what i do is I have a list of friendly tanks and raid tanks .. I whisper my friends list tanks first then the guild tanks first to see if they are interested in tanking a certain heroic THEN i post ing guild chat LF3M instance this says that I've already taken care of the hardest part tank/healer and all they need to do is dps it.

I only post my LFM or LFG once in Gchat and if people miss it then its thier loss because if no one answered the first time it says not interested so I go fill the rest with pugs. post anymore it willsound like begging.

You need to know your class inside out for PVE and PVP, know how to play your role, know the instances you intend on doing. Yes while you're a casual keep in mind these are raiders who are the elitest of all players with high standards and they look down on the noob player who doesn't know these. AND it will impress them that this casual player is just as skilled as they are but can't raid due to whateve reasons but is otherwise "Cool"

PUG - pick up group
your guild is raiding but you want to do heroics or raid old world stuff so you must fill it with friends or pugs as you can't expect your guild to drop everything and join your group. Many a times there are at least 3-5 people online as bench warmers they aren't in the raid but rather are on standby in case a slot opens up in the cutting edge raid so they too can't help you with your instances.

No whining or complaints
You are there as a courtesy .. this is a raid guild if you dont raid then you dont belong. So you cannot complain that no one helps you.

I haven't said it before you are responsible for yourself from mount monies to training fees.

Guild Bank
The guild bank is there for the raiders so do not ask or take things from the bank as one you dont raid or contribute therefor should not use consumables farmed for an intended for the raiders. If you donate something then its a donation you cannot ask for it back so dont give something then expect to make a withdrawl.

Guild Chat
again figure out what your guild's rules are and follow it. When your guild is raiding don't ask loaded questions or ask for discussions on stuff that you think up you're distracting the raiders. Don't link epics as its unlikely to impress anyone. Ok I make an exception to a few things I linked my raven mount when I got it but that one is so rare that most of the guild won't have it and its considered a very very elite item and will elicit Oo.. wow ..omg, /drool, congratz man! /jealous.

Look before you ask. If your guildies are raiding don't whisper em save your questions for after thier raid. There's nothing like a whisper for an enchant and you've just wiped thier raid because thier main healer was distracted. If you dont know where something is take an educated guess if 25 people are all in one location chances are its a raid. Look up the location on wowwiki to figure it out.

No Begging
This applies to every guild .. your behaviors reflect on the guild so keep that in mind. Begging is not allowed period either from guildies or trade chat because its annoying and since everyone farms thier gold one way or another so can you.

Expect nothing
This is in reference to groups dont expect to have guild only runs or demand that your groups be guild only. Again keep in mind you are the one who has different goals than the guild so its only natural that your expectation and the guild's wont be the same.

Role Playing
probably nil as this is a raiding guild so they raid. You'll have to find somewhere else to RP, I dont RP so dont see this an issue. I just like dressing up for halloween.

Tip #1: read your guild's forums, website on a weekly basis if only to be on top of news and learn thier guild rules, raid scheduals and loot system, raid mods.

Tip #2: have some flasks, mana pots on you at all times, Install the mods and learn to use them. While you dont intend to raid but if they do have a spot for a farm raid at least you will show that you're just as prepared as thier raiders and not this noob assed casual.

Lastly .. again casuals dont belong in raiding guilds so think hard before you apply. If you're wanting a guild that does instances together, rps or otherwise acts like a family then apply to a casual guild. My position here is almost like a freelance lone wolf contractor :) I do my own thing and if there's a spot open and i'm interested I ask if there's a spot for me.

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