Friday, December 26, 2008

Post Raid Rant "BWL"

Still waiting on me application on alliance side otherwise horde side I went to BWL with a full clear in 1.5 hours. I got 3 epics (priest T2 and some hat) and was a bit annoyed at this warlock who rolled need and won both the Shadow Wing Focus Staff and Staff of the Shadow Flame all in one raid it was like no way! like why do you need 2 epic staffs when you just won the first roll 10 mins ago when clearly there's another person in the raid who could really use it?

Ok rant done. I will not mention this again. I'm sure his friends will talk to him in private about it because loot is serious business in WOW. I think he didn't know better or he's a loot whore and I don't roll with the latter.

wee I decompressed with a very funny web-movie series "The Guild" ah i just got reminded why I don't raid much these days! I totally lose perspective on stuff for a few minuets.

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