Monday, May 4, 2009

Raiding guilds and the casual nonraider

my alliance main has this issue where my end game goals are slightly different from the guild's idea of end game. I only want to get enough gear to solo or two box farm ZG, KZ, Setteck halls and stratolme for the mounts and that amount has been reached.

Raiding guilds are very focused teams when it comes to raiding up cutting edge instances. Its another story when it comes to heroics, easy farm instances. I'm surprised that people have such a hard time getting groups going its like no one wants to do anything fun like mount farming or enchant recipe farming! but i dont blame em .. seeing that it is me who is the exception aka nonraider.

I've seen cases where guild members would spend hours going anyone for heroic occulus before giving up and logging or joining a pug group 2-3 hours later. I on the other hand can put together a group for whatever instance in about 5-7 mins with a fairly high sucess rate and thats because I'm proactive when it comes to groups . As a courtesy i ask in guild chat first as i rather take raiders with gear and skill over the unknown pug which could have niether. Usually I dont expect a reply and I never post more than once because to do so would sound like i'm nagging. So i post once and start my out of guild search so by the 7 min mark i've go a group and am instancing.

1.) ask in guild chat, "LFM heroic magister's terrace" or whatever instance i wanted to do
2.) type in LFG channel: LFM heroic etc
3.) start search/armorying of people: /who class level or zone
4.) look in friendslist and ask them first
5.) only take people who are geared, specced for the instance
6.) not be afraid to say no to a severly undergeared/underleveled guildie.
Groups must be balanced: 1 tank, 1 healer, 1 melee dps, 1 ranged, 1 mage or lock

I don't mind having to pug my instances as I've a whole friends list of people who are good in thier classes so I rarely have trouble finding people who want to do a certain instance. So far I've declined a the guild altoholic who wants to bring thier underlevled toon to my instances which i kindly explained that the group isn't geared enough to take anyone under 80.

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