Monday, May 4, 2009

Guild raids or PUG raids?

you would think that a guild run is going to be smoother than say a pug but it all depends on what toons are being played it everyone is taking thier main sure otherwise it becomes a struggle with everyone taking their undergeared alts and that is a waste of my time. I seriously can do better pugging.

anyways I got a raid invite by our GM no less a guild wide invite to naxx 25 in the interest of guild activity and showing off my elite healing skills I think i wil show up to the raid and grab at some nice gear. but i think this will be the last raid I will attend for a long while because I am already geared from my 25 man pug runs and have no intention of going to uldar or any raids until the next expansion.

So far what I have been doing is getting healing gear with my resto spec while rolling on T7.5 druid set gear and using my tiered tokens for the melee dps gear because its a lot harder to get invited as melee dps than it is as resto. So .. next time i see T7.5 gear guess what? i'm rolling again :) this is why i pug because there's no drama in guild about how so and so has 2 sets of Tiered gear.

anyways this is also a chance for the guild to show off thier uber raiding skills because last time I went on a "guild" 25 man naxx it was nearly 50% pug if not more and the rest of the guild members brought thier undergeared alts to naxx. My pug runs were better because I do an amory of people in my naxx 25 mans before I zone into the instance and if too many people look undergeared and obviously look like they're trying to skip 10 man to do 25 man then I leave group.

sure this is selfish but being that it is a pug I am there to get loots so to have too many competitors and low chances of downing bosses thats not my idea of fun. Gear tells alot about the raid skill if mosto f the raid is in tiered set that means they know thier stuff and have the gear to down the bosses.

For now I like the name brand guild tag. a nonraider with an elite raiding guild tag .. totally fashionable.

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