Thursday, September 18, 2008

Food for WOW Addicts.


I'm on a tangent of eating goodness. As much as its a distraction and annoyance I need to eat 3 meals a day with 2-3 snack breaks built in. There are a few requirements for eating and WOW. After writing the drinks part I just realized that wow eaters are basically eating like babies .. spillproof, bite sized, boneless, nongreasy, single handed. ... but we is limited by 1 hand, zero attention to eating. Well gotta eat 3x a day or risk

Ideally you want to be eating healthy meals, with fruit veggies and not fastfood, junkfood vs. hot pockets, chips and cookies, icecream because it's bad enough you're sitting on your butt and not burning calories.

1.) napkins or a roll of bounty paper towels nearby
2.) 2 sheets of white computer paper as a make shift placemat to catch any crumbs, splatters, grease spots
3.) 2 water bottle or mug with water for drinking and post lunch clean up

1.) Eeaten single handed
2.) Bite sized morsels or cut it into bite sized ones
3.) Portable or in a bowl big enough to not spill anything.
4.) Boneless
5.) Nothing messy, greasy or that falls apart think hard tacos, pizza
6.) Easy + fast to make (5 mins tops)
** multivitamin: take 1 aday this should cover anything you missed eating if you were slacking

the goal is spill proof drinks so use lids, adult sippy things "waterbottle with mouth pieces" or mugs.

1.) water bottle with a closeable cap or mouthpiece, heavy mug.
2.) other beverages either finish it, put in water bottle or put it far out of reach
3.) icecream: eat it in a cup
4.) Coffee: use a lid

again bite sized, preportioned, healthy choices over junk food eat these between meals. I eat a mix of healthy snacks and junk foods so i wouldn't recommend following my snack ideas.

CONCLUSION: eat 3 balanced meals using the above ideas.

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