Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are you at End Game?

There are 7 paths to endgame.
  1. Alts: 10 level 70s or the person with 10 level 20s and can't seem to level any to 70
  2. Gold: beat the in game limit per character of 214,748 gold, 36 silver, 48 copper
  3. PVP: dominate in arenas get top 5% for the armored nether drake and enjoy world pvp
  4. Questing: complete every in game quest and fill out every blank spot in your map
  5. Raiding 1: gear up get epics, clear BT kill Illidan Stormrage and retire
  6. Raiding 2: gear up get epics clear kara, za, and more kara (your guild is stuck in the gear up lose people or gear up more alts)
  7. RP: you have a happy RP life
My version of Endgame is gold + unique items + raiding.

Where do I rank in the money world of WOW? I'm probably somewhere in the top 20%
along with owning the Rolls Royces of WOW aka special epic mounts:
Fiery Warhorse's Reins and a Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber.

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