Sunday, June 28, 2009

Event: Mid Summers' Festival

(June 21 – July 4).

Loots of note:
Captured Flame (pet),
Frostscythe of Lord Ahune (WH)
[Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost] (Screenshot)
Scorched Stone (Pet) (WH)
[Shards of Ahune] (Rewards Tabard of Summer Flames / Tabard of Summer Skies

↓ Continent ↑ Zone ↓ Region ↓ Coords
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Hammerfall [74, 41]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Arathi Highlands Refuge Pointe [50, 44]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Badlands Kargath [4, 49]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Blasted Lands Nethergarde Keep [58, 17]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Burning Steppes Flame Crest [62, 29]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Burning Steppes Morgan's Vigil [80, 62]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Dun Morogh Kharanos [46, 46]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Duskwood Darkshire [74, 51]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Elwynn Forest Goldshire [43, 65]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Eversong Woods North Sanctum [46, 50]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Ghostlands Tranquillien [46, 26]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore [50, 46]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Hillsbrad Foothills Tarren Mill [58, 25]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Hinterlands Aerie Peak [14, 50]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Hinterlands Revantusk Village [76, 74]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Ironforge Hall of Explorers [64, 25]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Loch Modan Thelsamar [32, 40]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Redridge Mountains Lakeshire [24, 59]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Silvermoon City Court of the Sun [70, 43]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Silverpine Forest The Sepulcher [49, 38]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Stormwind The Canals [49, 72]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Stranglethorn Vale East of Booty Bay [33, 73]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Stranglethorn Vale East of Booty Bay [32, 75]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Swamp of Sorrows Stonard [47, 47]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Tirisfal Glades Brill [57, 52]
Horde Eastern Kingdoms Undercity Ruins of Lordaeron [68, 9]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Western Plaguelands Chillwind Camp [43, 82]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Westfall Sentinel Hill [56, 54]
Alliance Eastern Kingdoms Wetlands Menethil Harbor [13, 47]
Alliance Kalimdor Ashenvale Astranaar [38, 54]
Horde Kalimdor Ashenvale Splintertree Post [70, 69]
Alliance Kalimdor Azuremyst Isle Azure Watch [44, 53]
Horde Kalimdor Barrens Crossroads [52, 28]
Alliance Kalimdor Bloodmyst Isle Blood Watch [55, 69]
Alliance Kalimdor Darkshore Auberdine [37, 46]
Alliance Kalimdor Desolace Nijel's Point [65, 17]
Horde Kalimdor Desolace Shadowprey Village [26, 76]
Horde Kalimdor Durotar Razor Hill [52, 47]
Horde Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh Brackenwall Village [33, 30]
Alliance Kalimdor Dustwallow Marsh Theramore Isle [62, 40]
Alliance Kalimdor Exodar, The The Crystal Hall [41, 26]
Horde Kalimdor Feralas Camp Mojache [72, 47]
Alliance Kalimdor Feralas Feathermoon Stronghold [28, 44]
Horde Kalimdor Mulgore Bloodhoof Village [51, 60]
Horde Kalimdor Orgrimmar Valley of Wisdom [47, 38]
Alliance Kalimdor Silithus Cenarion Hold [57, 34]
Horde Kalimdor Silithus Cenarion Hold [46, 44]
Horde Kalimdor Stonetalon Mountains Sun Rock Retreat [50, 60]
Alliance Kalimdor Tanaris Gadgetzan [52, 29]
Horde Kalimdor Tanaris Gadgetzan [49, 27]
Alliance Kalimdor Teldrassil Dolanaar [55, 60]
Alliance Kalimdor Teldrassil Rut'theran Village [55, 91]
Horde Kalimdor Thousand Needles Freewind Post [41, 52]
Horde Kalimdor Thunder Bluff Spirit Rise [21, 26]
Alliance Kalimdor Winterspring Everlook [62, 35]
Horde Kalimdor Winterspring Everlook [59, 35]
Horde Northrend Borean Tundra Bor'gorok Outpost [51, 12]
Alliance Northrend Borean Tundra Fizzcrank Airstrip [55, 20]
Horde Northrend Crystalsong Forest Sunreaver's Command [80, 53]
Alliance Northrend Crystalsong Forest Windrunner's Overlook [78, 75]
Horde Northrend Dragonblight Agmar's Hammer [39, 48]
Alliance Northrend Dragonblight Wintergarde Keep [75, 44]
Alliance Northrend Grizzly Hills Amberpine Lodge [34, 61]
Horde Northrend Grizzly Hills Conquest Hold [19, 61]
Horde Northrend Howling Fjord Camp Winterhoof [48, 13]
Alliance Northrend Howling Fjord Fort Wildervar [58, 16]
Alliance Northrend Sholazar Basin River's Heart [47, 66]
Horde Northrend Sholazar Basin River's Heart [47, 62]
Alliance Northrend Storm Peaks K3 [42, 87]
Horde Northrend Storm Peaks K3 [40, 86]
Alliance Northrend Zul'Drak The Argent Stand [41, 61]
Horde Northrend Zul'Drak The Argent Stand [43, 71]
Alliance Outland Blade's Edge Mountains Sylvanaar [42, 66]
Horde Outland Blade's Edge Mountains Thunderlord Stronghold [50, 59]
Alliance Outland Hellfire Peninsula Honor Hold [62, 58]
Horde Outland Hellfire Peninsula Thrallmar [55, 40]
Horde Outland Nagrand Garadar [51, 34]
Alliance Outland Nagrand Telaar [50, 70]
Alliance Outland Netherstorm Area 52 [31, 63]
Horde Outland Netherstorm Area 52 [32, 68]
Horde Outland Shadowmoon Valley Shadowmoon Village [33, 30]
Alliance Outland Shadowmoon Valley Wildhammer Stronghold [40, 55]
Alliance Outland Terokkar Forest Allerian Stronghold [55, 55]
Horde Outland Terokkar Forest Stonebreaker Hold [52, 43]
Alliance Outland Zangarmarsh Telredor [69, 52]
Horde Outland Zangarmarsh Zabra'Jin [36, 52]

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