Wednesday, April 22, 2009

WOW on a netbook: Lenovo S10

so it is possible to run wow on a netbook: lenovo S10 $349

This little computer of a netbook was never intended to run WOW but I was desparate so decided to gamble and install WOW and see if it runs. My only rule is that I will not log on at all outside of home because that is not why I got this netbook.

the requirement is to turn down all settings and run the minimum amount of addons. last week family was visiting and erm they commandeered my main compy aka wow machine. No duh like who wouldn't want to wow on a alienware compy anyways I got desperate by sunday because it is the weekend and I wanted to do some wow then but .. with only one computer only one of us could log in at any given time.

I wasn't sure if my little computer could handle such a powerful game .. and it barely could as it crashed due to heat issues towards the end of karazhan. Hmmm now i can dualbox w/o lagging up my main machine or running blind as I would have to minimize the screen so much that I can't see enough to do any of the loot item quests.

there's this website called can you run it:

i have an emergency wow machine that is patched to date so visiting family doesn't mean I need to skip wow while they go WOWing away .. ya know that is annoying to watch someone else wow while you're going tap tap tap...

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