Okies *kick* back to reality ! yes and no. There are dangers to "coming out" to your coworkers that you play wow friends too but honestly it's a different world and its best to keep it separate.
You dont really want your coworkers/bosses making a toon on your main's realm and spying on you would you? Imagine you call out sick to play wow and next thing you know a work spy has logged on thier level 1 toon and reports to your boss that they see you instancing, raiding and otherwise seemingly well OR worst they engage you in conversation and you let drop that you skipped out on work to play WOW. Walla info gathered and now your RL work job is in danger. You are probably oblvious to the fact that people have a paper trail to your activities and its just a matter of time until they have enough to fire you.
5 Legal reasons to fire you:
while it's illegal to fire you for playing WOW nonstop however when your WOW life interferes with your RL that's when it's time to stop and takes things into perspective.
Play too much you neglect your health, family, friends and work. Work while ranking last its because that is the last thing that will make you hit rock bottom. Read your employee handbook all the rules in there are also what can be used to fire you aka as in you didn't follow the contract you signed.
1.) using work internet for personal use (checking guild forums, raid boss infos, wow forums etc)
2.) excessive lateness or leaving early: you stayed up until 4am downing a boss so didnt' hear your 6am alarm clock
3.) poor work product: you're rushing a job because you've got to get it done by 5pm for your 6pm server time raid and turned in crappy work.
4.) insubordination - lack of sleep, wow withdrawal will probably make you snappier, grumpier to your coworkers and one of them probably your boss.
5.) abuse of sick days: you call out too much and your boss can prove you weren't sick at all but raider.
Note: have i ever told anyone at work i play wow? hells no. I trust no one and frankly could do without the RL drama. I do know a few people who actually play WOW with their coworkers and end the night with a see you tomorrow Sam. One guy played with his boss and powered leveled him and such .. that I think is a little too much.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
TV shows for Warcraft? radio too? omg
zomg there's a WOW web sitcom called "The Guild" ! made by gamers for gamers. http://www.watchtheguild.com/
---other shows with warcraft featured:
Southpark's Warcraft : http://www.southparkstudios.com/guide/1008/
Simpsons (warcraft show)
WOW radio
WOW network
WOW movies: http://www.machinima.com/film/view&id=30858
WOW is all I have to say .. did the whole world just get dipped in wow? is it true? gone are the days of keeping your WOW addiction a secret? and we can take wow breaks just like people take smoke and coffee breaks?
---other shows with warcraft featured:
Southpark's Warcraft : http://www.southparkstudios.com/guide/1008/
Simpsons (warcraft show)
WOW radio
WOW network
WOW movies: http://www.machinima.com/film/view&id=30858
WOW is all I have to say .. did the whole world just get dipped in wow? is it true? gone are the days of keeping your WOW addiction a secret? and we can take wow breaks just like people take smoke and coffee breaks?
Thanksgiving & WOW
yay turkey massacre. LOL anyways this is the one day that everyone eats turkey and Boston Market makes a killing. Well I for one will be showing up early like 11am to buy my stuff because last year they ran out of turkeys/side orders and the only option was to buy a cold turkey that they've defrosted out of thier freezers.
WOW time? I'll log in briefly to say happy thanksgiving to guildmates then go offline to celebrate with family it wouldn't be right to be wowing while family is celebrating.
Ah well i guess i'll start planning for xmas celebration. Lets see this year I might organize another holiday gift exchange or not. I haven't decided yet as this would be alot of paper work on my end not to mention that I am relatively unknown outside of the officers and GM. Ah well heh me the quiet leveler.
I wonder if there's a similar event on wow .
WOW time? I'll log in briefly to say happy thanksgiving to guildmates then go offline to celebrate with family it wouldn't be right to be wowing while family is celebrating.
Ah well i guess i'll start planning for xmas celebration. Lets see this year I might organize another holiday gift exchange or not. I haven't decided yet as this would be alot of paper work on my end not to mention that I am relatively unknown outside of the officers and GM. Ah well heh me the quiet leveler.
I wonder if there's a similar event on wow .
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Multi / Dual Boxing Class Combos
I'm going to list some resources and tips for you multi boxers out there. Some of my info is stuff i've gleaned from www.dual-boxing.com (everything on software, tips, class combos).
My personal set up is:
1.) warlock / priest 2.) priest/priest 3.) druid/druid
hotkeynet is my software (free) - you'll have to learn how to write macros and figure out which cast order to use. I use one computer/monitor and have both windows minimized and set at diagonals with the main window at 75% size with 2nd window at 40% just enough to see where i'm going.
For the most part I find that classes are easier to use if you pair them up based on melee to melee and caster to caster. 1 dps /tank class with 1 (healable and rez class). I am copying that post because its something I use alot and rather not see it lost because they deleted the post.
----------COPY and pasted from dual boxing site----------------
Carebear Leveling High-Level Classes, from Best to Worst
1. Paladin: by far and away, the best carebear to have. First, he can heal, resurrect, and Cleanse. Second, Blessings are versatile buffs for whatever class he needs to support. Third, Righteous Defense can keep up to 3 mobs off of you at a time. And last, and somehow best, is a Paladin's non-offensive Judgment of Wisdom, which can help Priests, Shamen, and Hunters regain mana quickly.
2. Priest: very good support capabilities. Again, he can heal, resurrect, cure disease and magic effects, and adds the Power Word: Fortitude buff, which is very handy. As above, it is a big crutch that he will be unable to Power Word: Shield your lowbie without being in a party, but acceptable. Psychic Scream more than makes up for it, to keep mobs away from the ranged or caster lowbies. Last, don't forget that Shadow-specced Priests have Silence.
3. Druid: great support, especially for melee. A druid's heal-over-times are superior, can cure poisons and curses, and Mark of the Wild and Thorns are great buffs. He can only resurrect once every 30 minutes, though. Bear/Dire Bear form plus his Growl, Demoralizing Roar, and Challenging Roar lets him keep mobs off your lowbie very well with little damage to himself. Also, this is the first class with some form of crowd control: Hibernate works on beasts. Don't forget to use Faerie Fire for melee support, but avoid Entangling Roots as it damgages your target slightly.
4. Shaman: somewhat good. He can heal and resurrect, but not being in a party hurts since you cannot get any major benefit from his totems. Stoneclaw and Earthbind totems seem to work well, as does Purge. Water Breathing and Water Walk are good occasionally.
5. Warlock: king of the crowd control. He can't heal you, which is a big step down, but he can Fear and Seduce while you kill, so you shouldn't be taking much damage. Curse of Tongues, Weakness, Exhaustion, and Elements all do not damage the target, and will not be downranked, so fire away.
6. Warrior: slap on Defensive Stance, and get ready to taunt. Battle and Commanding Shouts require a party, so literally the best thing you can do is keep the mob off your lowbie. Use Bloodrage then Taunt, Demoralizing Shout, and Challenging Shout. Hamstring works to keep them in range, but make sure you don't damage them.
7. Mage: starting to get pretty bad. Mages can Polymorph, summon food and water, and buff Intellect, but after that almost all of their abilities affect themselves or damage their targets. Avoid Frost Nova for the latter reason.
8. Hunter: no buffs. Freezing Trap and Improved Hunter's Mark are the only things worthwhile here.
9. Rogue: Sap only.
Team Leveling Combinations
What you're looking to avoid here is one toon who needs to stay at range, most notably hunters, and one who needs to be up close.
* Druid/Druid: one bear, one cat, no problems.
* Druid/Hunter: pet tanks, cat and ranged dps.
* Druid/Mage: bear tanks, mage dps but not enough to pull agro.
* Druid/Paladin: ret pally tanks, cat dps.
* Druid/Priest: shadow priest will pull agro no matter what, so keep it flayed during cat dps.
* Druid/Rogue: cat and rogue stunlock for the win; use Cheap Shot -> Pounce -> Kidney Shot.
* Druid/Shaman: try grace of air and strength of earth for hot cat dps.
* Druid/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, cat dps.
* Druid/Warrior: fury war tanks, cat dps.
* Hunter/Hunter: use dps pets and go all out, nothing will ever reach your hunters' melee range.
* Hunter/Mage: pet tanks, both dps.
* Hunter/Paladin: do not use.
* Hunter/Priest: keep it flayed or feared, with a dps pet.
* Hunter/Rogue: do not use.
* Hunter/Shaman: unless you can stomach the elemental tree and stay at range, do not use.
* Hunter/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, ranged dps.
* Hunter/Warrior: do not use.
* Mage/Mage: try to vary your builds for double debuffs.
* Mage/Paladin: difficult, but let your ret pally get a little agro before your mage attacks.
* Mage/Priest: deadly combination; keep it flayed or feared.
* Mage/Rogue: keep it stunlocked while spamming frostbolt.
* Mage/Shaman: difficult, but let your shaman build a little agro before your mage attacks.
* Mage/Warlock: deadly combination; voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, spam frostbolts.
* Mage/Warrior: use defensive stance if you have trouble holding agro, but berserker should be fine.
* Paladin/Paladin: are you retarded?
* Paladin/Priest: try to keep the ret pally tanking, keep it flayed.
* Paladin/Rogue: backstabs galore!
* Paladin/Shaman: windfury + seal of command = critastic.
* Paladin/Warlock: ret pally tanks, dot dot dot with Succubus or Imp pet.
* Paladin/Warrior: fury war and ret pally won't take much damage.
* Priest/Priest: deadly combination; consider one build with Shadow Weaving and another with Blackout.
* Priest/Rogue: keep it stunlocked and flayed.
* Priest/Shaman: difficult, but let your shaman build a little agro before your priest attacks.
* Priest/Warlock: deadly combination; double the fears, double the dots.
* Priest/Warrior: defensive stance will be necessary to hold agro.
* Rogue/Rogue: stunlock it but always have one rogue backstabbing.
* Rogue/Shaman: deadly combination; windfury stunlock for easy kills.
* Rogue/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, backstab when you can.
* Rogue/Warrior: keep it stunlocked with a fury war ripping it up.
* Shaman/Shaman: unefficient, but use two enhancement builds for quick kills.
* Shaman/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot during windfury dps.
* Shaman/Warrior: windfury'd fury war facemelts so well he barely needs the shaman to attack.
* Warlock/Warlock: Succubus and Imp/Felhound until you both get Felguards, then don't even bother dotting. :)
* Warlock/Warrior: voidwalker tanks in front of fury war, dot dot dot.
* Warrior/Warrior: double your fury war, double your fun.
* Macros are your friend on your carebear. Use the /castsequence reset=X command whenever possible so you're not wasting time trying to remember where you left your flash heal, and put /target Lowbie /follow at the end of every command.
* Follow TOS - don't use software that hack, script or break TOS otherwise GG to you. Chances are if you have to ask is this legal answer is no.
* PvP Servers: be ready for pvp or just die. Get some pvp macros lined up and read ahead on what to do with each class.
keywords: 2 boxing, duel boxing, dual boxing, multi boxing, multibox, 2 box
My personal set up is:
1.) warlock / priest 2.) priest/priest 3.) druid/druid
hotkeynet is my software (free) - you'll have to learn how to write macros and figure out which cast order to use. I use one computer/monitor and have both windows minimized and set at diagonals with the main window at 75% size with 2nd window at 40% just enough to see where i'm going.
For the most part I find that classes are easier to use if you pair them up based on melee to melee and caster to caster. 1 dps /tank class with 1 (healable and rez class). I am copying that post because its something I use alot and rather not see it lost because they deleted the post.
----------COPY and pasted from dual boxing site----------------
Carebear Leveling High-Level Classes, from Best to Worst
1. Paladin: by far and away, the best carebear to have. First, he can heal, resurrect, and Cleanse. Second, Blessings are versatile buffs for whatever class he needs to support. Third, Righteous Defense can keep up to 3 mobs off of you at a time. And last, and somehow best, is a Paladin's non-offensive Judgment of Wisdom, which can help Priests, Shamen, and Hunters regain mana quickly.
2. Priest: very good support capabilities. Again, he can heal, resurrect, cure disease and magic effects, and adds the Power Word: Fortitude buff, which is very handy. As above, it is a big crutch that he will be unable to Power Word: Shield your lowbie without being in a party, but acceptable. Psychic Scream more than makes up for it, to keep mobs away from the ranged or caster lowbies. Last, don't forget that Shadow-specced Priests have Silence.
3. Druid: great support, especially for melee. A druid's heal-over-times are superior, can cure poisons and curses, and Mark of the Wild and Thorns are great buffs. He can only resurrect once every 30 minutes, though. Bear/Dire Bear form plus his Growl, Demoralizing Roar, and Challenging Roar lets him keep mobs off your lowbie very well with little damage to himself. Also, this is the first class with some form of crowd control: Hibernate works on beasts. Don't forget to use Faerie Fire for melee support, but avoid Entangling Roots as it damgages your target slightly.
4. Shaman: somewhat good. He can heal and resurrect, but not being in a party hurts since you cannot get any major benefit from his totems. Stoneclaw and Earthbind totems seem to work well, as does Purge. Water Breathing and Water Walk are good occasionally.
5. Warlock: king of the crowd control. He can't heal you, which is a big step down, but he can Fear and Seduce while you kill, so you shouldn't be taking much damage. Curse of Tongues, Weakness, Exhaustion, and Elements all do not damage the target, and will not be downranked, so fire away.
6. Warrior: slap on Defensive Stance, and get ready to taunt. Battle and Commanding Shouts require a party, so literally the best thing you can do is keep the mob off your lowbie. Use Bloodrage then Taunt, Demoralizing Shout, and Challenging Shout. Hamstring works to keep them in range, but make sure you don't damage them.
7. Mage: starting to get pretty bad. Mages can Polymorph, summon food and water, and buff Intellect, but after that almost all of their abilities affect themselves or damage their targets. Avoid Frost Nova for the latter reason.
8. Hunter: no buffs. Freezing Trap and Improved Hunter's Mark are the only things worthwhile here.
9. Rogue: Sap only.
Team Leveling Combinations
What you're looking to avoid here is one toon who needs to stay at range, most notably hunters, and one who needs to be up close.
* Druid/Druid: one bear, one cat, no problems.
* Druid/Hunter: pet tanks, cat and ranged dps.
* Druid/Mage: bear tanks, mage dps but not enough to pull agro.
* Druid/Paladin: ret pally tanks, cat dps.
* Druid/Priest: shadow priest will pull agro no matter what, so keep it flayed during cat dps.
* Druid/Rogue: cat and rogue stunlock for the win; use Cheap Shot -> Pounce -> Kidney Shot.
* Druid/Shaman: try grace of air and strength of earth for hot cat dps.
* Druid/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, cat dps.
* Druid/Warrior: fury war tanks, cat dps.
* Hunter/Hunter: use dps pets and go all out, nothing will ever reach your hunters' melee range.
* Hunter/Mage: pet tanks, both dps.
* Hunter/Paladin: do not use.
* Hunter/Priest: keep it flayed or feared, with a dps pet.
* Hunter/Rogue: do not use.
* Hunter/Shaman: unless you can stomach the elemental tree and stay at range, do not use.
* Hunter/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, ranged dps.
* Hunter/Warrior: do not use.
* Mage/Mage: try to vary your builds for double debuffs.
* Mage/Paladin: difficult, but let your ret pally get a little agro before your mage attacks.
* Mage/Priest: deadly combination; keep it flayed or feared.
* Mage/Rogue: keep it stunlocked while spamming frostbolt.
* Mage/Shaman: difficult, but let your shaman build a little agro before your mage attacks.
* Mage/Warlock: deadly combination; voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, spam frostbolts.
* Mage/Warrior: use defensive stance if you have trouble holding agro, but berserker should be fine.
* Paladin/Paladin: are you retarded?
* Paladin/Priest: try to keep the ret pally tanking, keep it flayed.
* Paladin/Rogue: backstabs galore!
* Paladin/Shaman: windfury + seal of command = critastic.
* Paladin/Warlock: ret pally tanks, dot dot dot with Succubus or Imp pet.
* Paladin/Warrior: fury war and ret pally won't take much damage.
* Priest/Priest: deadly combination; consider one build with Shadow Weaving and another with Blackout.
* Priest/Rogue: keep it stunlocked and flayed.
* Priest/Shaman: difficult, but let your shaman build a little agro before your priest attacks.
* Priest/Warlock: deadly combination; double the fears, double the dots.
* Priest/Warrior: defensive stance will be necessary to hold agro.
* Rogue/Rogue: stunlock it but always have one rogue backstabbing.
* Rogue/Shaman: deadly combination; windfury stunlock for easy kills.
* Rogue/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, backstab when you can.
* Rogue/Warrior: keep it stunlocked with a fury war ripping it up.
* Shaman/Shaman: unefficient, but use two enhancement builds for quick kills.
* Shaman/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot during windfury dps.
* Shaman/Warrior: windfury'd fury war facemelts so well he barely needs the shaman to attack.
* Warlock/Warlock: Succubus and Imp/Felhound until you both get Felguards, then don't even bother dotting. :)
* Warlock/Warrior: voidwalker tanks in front of fury war, dot dot dot.
* Warrior/Warrior: double your fury war, double your fun.
* Macros are your friend on your carebear. Use the /castsequence reset=X command whenever possible so you're not wasting time trying to remember where you left your flash heal, and put /target Lowbie /follow at the end of every command.
* Follow TOS - don't use software that hack, script or break TOS otherwise GG to you. Chances are if you have to ask is this legal answer is no.
* PvP Servers: be ready for pvp or just die. Get some pvp macros lined up and read ahead on what to do with each class.
keywords: 2 boxing, duel boxing, dual boxing, multi boxing, multibox, 2 box
Instance Etiquette
Okies i'm sure ya'll know how to instance. If not in short all instances groups need this combination:
1.) level appropriate (look up the instance at www.wowwiki.com)
2.) group make up: 1 specced tank, 1 healer, 3 dps (you can pick hybrids or off specs)
3.) establish loot rules before you start and master loot if needed. (need=upgrade, greed or DE the rest).
4.) observe good etiquette (respect others and zero tolerance for noobs, jerks/bullies)
5.) enforce the rules.
If you're a dps class..then you'll just have to deal with the fact that there's a billion dpsers out there and you're not that important. The solution is form your own group so you can control the balance as well as not get group removed because "someone's gf wants in" really? didn't think so its more like you got dumped for someone with better gear.
I armory people to check their gear / specs before inviting because it makes my runs smoother. Tanks must be specced and geared while healers can be off specced provided they are on the higher end of the instance and are decently geared.
Use wow's ignore list to put notes on people who are really really bad, ninjas or jerks. This way you'll never have to group with them again even accidentally.
How to find people: if you're not in a decent sized guild then you need to pay attention to people you group with and if they're good players friendslist em and make a note that they're good tank or healer. Otherwise join LFG ask in that channel and do your own search type /who warrior 80 cityname and whisper everyone that shows up. Ask if they'd be interested in coming to your X instance before sending out an invite. Nothings more annoying than a group invite. IF the answer is yes go armory them then offer a spot.
Tip: dont be afraid to use the party kick command: /kick name or target name and rigthclick pick remove from party.
There are a few situations where I will immediately kick someone no second chances. For the most part it's 1 warning and then a kick. (Example: ninja looting you need on everything that drops, Language you cuss up a storm and are disrespectful to people in group). Ninja looting i can fix by Masterlooting it and make a decision if you need the gear or not because clearly you can't be trusted to decide for yourself. Language you get 1 warning unless you pissed me off.
Level appropriate, group make up, loot rules, mutual respect.
Oh yea and I've never had trouble finding a group for my instances even as a poorly geared mage. Why? there's several hundred people on at any given time so there's bound to be someone who wants to do that instance.
1.) level appropriate (look up the instance at www.wowwiki.com)
2.) group make up: 1 specced tank, 1 healer, 3 dps (you can pick hybrids or off specs)
3.) establish loot rules before you start and master loot if needed. (need=upgrade, greed or DE the rest).
4.) observe good etiquette (respect others and zero tolerance for noobs, jerks/bullies)
5.) enforce the rules.
If you're a dps class..then you'll just have to deal with the fact that there's a billion dpsers out there and you're not that important. The solution is form your own group so you can control the balance as well as not get group removed because "someone's gf wants in" really? didn't think so its more like you got dumped for someone with better gear.
I armory people to check their gear / specs before inviting because it makes my runs smoother. Tanks must be specced and geared while healers can be off specced provided they are on the higher end of the instance and are decently geared.
Use wow's ignore list to put notes on people who are really really bad, ninjas or jerks. This way you'll never have to group with them again even accidentally.
How to find people: if you're not in a decent sized guild then you need to pay attention to people you group with and if they're good players friendslist em and make a note that they're good tank or healer. Otherwise join LFG ask in that channel and do your own search type /who warrior 80 cityname and whisper everyone that shows up. Ask if they'd be interested in coming to your X instance before sending out an invite. Nothings more annoying than a group invite. IF the answer is yes go armory them then offer a spot.
Tip: dont be afraid to use the party kick command: /kick name or target name and rigthclick pick remove from party.
There are a few situations where I will immediately kick someone no second chances. For the most part it's 1 warning and then a kick. (Example: ninja looting you need on everything that drops, Language you cuss up a storm and are disrespectful to people in group). Ninja looting i can fix by Masterlooting it and make a decision if you need the gear or not because clearly you can't be trusted to decide for yourself. Language you get 1 warning unless you pissed me off.
Level appropriate, group make up, loot rules, mutual respect.
Oh yea and I've never had trouble finding a group for my instances even as a poorly geared mage. Why? there's several hundred people on at any given time so there's bound to be someone who wants to do that instance.
Leveling Guide
Stay in the old world as long as possible because outlands is pvp gankfest. It's damm annoying if you're trying to quest and at 64 its alot easier to clear quests. hehe and i suspect that the starting zones don't penalize for higher ups going there until like 66 or so because at 63 my toon's starting quests were yellow. Group quests/instances love a higher level toon who's wanting to run it.
carbonite, map coord and thottbot.com or wowhead bookmarked when you need to look stuff up
1 water bottle, some snacks on hand.
levels 1-55 (none - do whatever)
levels 55-63 (clear out all the old world quest zones 50+ because hellsfire will be extremely hard with the gankings and pvping going on. Not that pvp is bad but it's not efficent if i'm trying to level and quest. Oldworld places are ghost towns so they're perfect for leveling, questing and zomg mining, herbing. feralas, WPL, EPL, Silthus.
level 64-71: go to outlands and start at hellsfire
72+ : go northrend
carbonite, map coord and thottbot.com or wowhead bookmarked when you need to look stuff up
1 water bottle, some snacks on hand.
levels 1-55 (none - do whatever)
levels 55-63 (clear out all the old world quest zones 50+ because hellsfire will be extremely hard with the gankings and pvping going on. Not that pvp is bad but it's not efficent if i'm trying to level and quest. Oldworld places are ghost towns so they're perfect for leveling, questing and zomg mining, herbing. feralas, WPL, EPL, Silthus.
level 64-71: go to outlands and start at hellsfire
72+ : go northrend
WOTLK easy?
hmm wolkt isn't that hard it seems i see level 80s already and the expac came out 11/13 today is 11/17 thats only 4 days! Geez .. these expacs are fast! Geez i'm still working on my level 55s and 29s but thats the way it is some people need the challenge of powering through the content.
I personally enjoy the journey to level cap and become quite bored at the top since I am unwilling to raid and dont really pvp. So whats to do at the top? go raid the AH and the random alt. Before i didn't really have a wow limit but now I do. So after a 2.5-3 hour instance that's about it for me so its unlikely i'll be hitting another instance or quest but i will take the time to make sure i'm logged out at an inn or preferably nearby my next quest zones.
I personally enjoy the journey to level cap and become quite bored at the top since I am unwilling to raid and dont really pvp. So whats to do at the top? go raid the AH and the random alt. Before i didn't really have a wow limit but now I do. So after a 2.5-3 hour instance that's about it for me so its unlikely i'll be hitting another instance or quest but i will take the time to make sure i'm logged out at an inn or preferably nearby my next quest zones.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
account hacked! wtf! and router too! damm router .. how should i know who hacked what first but there was an email in my inbox that says password reset along with a temporary password.
Man this sucks .. I had my wow time carefully planned out tomorrow is lowbie night. What I am concerned about is a keylogger on my computer vs. my info somehow getting out there. it is extremely unlikely that I accidentally requested a password change as shoot I didn't even know which email was linked to that acct.
Bliz closed on sundays too!!
Man this sucks .. I had my wow time carefully planned out tomorrow is lowbie night. What I am concerned about is a keylogger on my computer vs. my info somehow getting out there. it is extremely unlikely that I accidentally requested a password change as shoot I didn't even know which email was linked to that acct.
Bliz closed on sundays too!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
WOW down
waaa the world is ending! okies not really but i did have plans to speed level some alts say 2 day before expac but with servers down all day yesterday and probably today it's not likely.
Sigh there goes my i dea of a level 60 priest ready for wotlk
Sigh there goes my i dea of a level 60 priest ready for wotlk
Free S2 PVP gear .... NOT
Wee free S2 arena gear! late last night a blizzard bug allowed free S4 weapons without ratings and free S2 arena gear for priest and warlocks. I guess it wasn't meant to be but since so many people picked up the free gear blizzard will just extend the offline time and remove it from people who got it vs. suspending everyone who got it. Doing 3 day suspensions the night before Xpac wouldn't sit well with thier customer base. Oh well but damm! it was fun for a few mins. Lets see new epics on a level 19 priest alt !
Fact: bliz will remove the gear from people to got it for free and will not be penalizing people.
Fact: bliz will remove the gear from people to got it for free and will not be penalizing people.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Event: Shadows of Doom (Free Epics)
Yay Blessed Regalia of Undead Cleansing 4/4 the full set on me mage on server 2. Either way I've be come the super casual player which goes *shrug* if I dont have the best gear otherwise I'll just gear up from the special event epics and occasional expansion freebies. heh it's nice to be in a raiding guild as a friends/non raider status finding groups is easy! if you're asking how to get in .. welll i'm a special case grandfathered in from my position in old guild as priest lead so ... i'm one of the few nonraiders and super casual mains. I dont donate much to the guild bank but at the same time I dont use the guild bank contents.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Contact Me
how to get in touch with me?
Post your private message in this post as a comment. (All comments are moderated so only I will see your message). Make sure to include your contact information otherwise I can't reply. This contact info post is for legit reasons to need to talk to me
Why do i do this? I rather not have my personal info posted all over the web
F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)
Sample of questions that I will not respond to:
Can I see your pic? Gimme your phone number, What's your main's name and server, Can I have some gold?
Post your private message in this post as a comment. (All comments are moderated so only I will see your message). Make sure to include your contact information otherwise I can't reply. This contact info post is for legit reasons to need to talk to me
Why do i do this? I rather not have my personal info posted all over the web
F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)
Sample of questions that I will not respond to:
Can I see your pic? Gimme your phone number, What's your main's name and server, Can I have some gold?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Profile
I'm one of the exotic girl gamers in WOW easy on the eyes, ears and a very good player. I'm a living myth .. like really a girl in WOW? yep! I made this blog so my WOW personality has a place to vent and talk. Over time I've picked up many priestly, healing, raiding, tricks and like to share them.
I have purposely avoided naming names, servers and other identifiable information as another blogger once said the world is a small place. I think I wouldn't be able to blog as freely if my identity was blown so anonymous it will be. Also RL and WOW need to stay separate. You know how it is. Professionally .. well who wants your boss to know about your WOW habit.
Update: 7/4/2010 Sleepy priest has come to an end after nearly 2 years I started blogging in december 2008. This blog has been very therapuetic for me in terms of writing, talking, it was as if I had my own personal shrink. In writing down my WOW experience I've managed to record my experience and well I think in a few decades long after my subscription to blizzard has expired or perhaps the company no longer exists this will be my proof that I existed as a gamer, raider, priest lead . Scary how one can go from hardcore raider to nearly nongamer.
I have enjoy my run as a raider priest, casual player and as a super casual well there's nothing much to post so I've decided to announce my retirement. I am undergoing training as a RL healer and also redirected my writing passion to blogging about oh my current situation as a real healer in training.
Aspiring 3d Modeler - excellent conversation starter .. Everyone thinks i'm a model
Artist! I damm well gonna make some lunch money out of this cuz I'm an artist dammit. I sell my art!
Student -- RL healer in training
I have a few projects that I've come up with: comic stripe, mini manga, anime creation and movie clips. I'm hoping some of these projects will mature into portfolio quality work.. and now if i caa only get started on all of them vs. lettting them die before it gets off the drafting table
Need to contact me? Leave a comment with your info. All comments are set to private
I have purposely avoided naming names, servers and other identifiable information as another blogger once said the world is a small place. I think I wouldn't be able to blog as freely if my identity was blown so anonymous it will be. Also RL and WOW need to stay separate. You know how it is. Professionally .. well who wants your boss to know about your WOW habit.
Update: 7/4/2010 Sleepy priest has come to an end after nearly 2 years I started blogging in december 2008. This blog has been very therapuetic for me in terms of writing, talking, it was as if I had my own personal shrink. In writing down my WOW experience I've managed to record my experience and well I think in a few decades long after my subscription to blizzard has expired or perhaps the company no longer exists this will be my proof that I existed as a gamer, raider, priest lead . Scary how one can go from hardcore raider to nearly nongamer.
I have enjoy my run as a raider priest, casual player and as a super casual well there's nothing much to post so I've decided to announce my retirement. I am undergoing training as a RL healer and also redirected my writing passion to blogging about oh my current situation as a real healer in training.
Aspiring 3d Modeler - excellent conversation starter .. Everyone thinks i'm a model
Artist! I damm well gonna make some lunch money out of this cuz I'm an artist dammit. I sell my art!
Student -- RL healer in training
I have a few projects that I've come up with: comic stripe, mini manga, anime creation and movie clips. I'm hoping some of these projects will mature into portfolio quality work.. and now if i caa only get started on all of them vs. lettting them die before it gets off the drafting table
Need to contact me? Leave a comment with your info. All comments are set to private
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