Saturday, March 28, 2009

Woot level 80!

my druid hit level 80 finally. Though with little cause for celebration other than I was hiding from my RL responsibilities by wowing 12 hours grabbing at 6 pieces of epics including my first Tier 7.5 gloves. I found out which nights the guild does alt raid nites where loot is on roll and its alot more casual than their progression raids. Oh the lure of WOW is still here as you can see I can't stay away for too long its like giving an addict a piece of drug to nibble on and then expect that she not go back. WOW's a bit easier as there is no physical drug so I'm swearing off wow until next week and only after i've finished my work stuff.

Heroic: nexus, violet hold
Raids: naxx 10, OS 25

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