Solution: 250g per hour
Goal: Farm 1 hour a day and enjoy the game.
Sorry no hacks, cheats or buying of gold here I don't condone it and it's against TOS. Gold is easy to get in WOW.
I calculated a min of 250g per hour with your choice of farming, questing, speculating to make gold. Its all about how you want to play the game. Addons: Gatherer, enchantrix, auctioneer
FARMING Pofessions: Mining, Herbing, SkinningIn addition to your regular spots I would suggest soloing instances for leather (Black Morass : knothide leather & Netherweb Silk)Fishing & Cooking: look up your AH see what foods sell.
CRAFTING Professions:Enchanting: DE and sell everything you don't need, instance for gear, drops and shards. Stealth classes can hit up old instances for shard farming.
Alchemy: 3540g at the end of the year. (10g + thier mats every 20 hours)
Tailoring: 2125 g in 1 year from using up your specced cooldowns and selling
Mote Farming: earth, water, air, fire, mana, shadow all sell for very well in the AHQuesting: Do your dailies, finish up any 68+ quests
Speculating: The Auction House- Buy low and sell high- Control the Market - buy up all items of a certain thing, resell at higher prices- Just sell and clear your bags from your instance runs
*Scamming -- Do not do this. You can be banned as this violates TOS. Where is the line? If you have to ask is it legal? will i be banned for this? will i get caught then you already know the answer.
Also there's no point in competing with people just do what makes you happy.The in game limit for WOW gold per character is: 214,748 gold, 36 silver, 48 copper
Tip: Limit impulse buys by not buying stuff you don't need and doing your research. Otherwise gold you get from regular stuff and 1 hour of farming a day should be enough for your epic mount in 1-3 months.
Hmm which am I? I am a speculator and what I am doing is helping to balance the WOW economy and keeping the market steady. Ok all the while pocketing a nice sum for myself. My alt's RP Job is " A Business Elf" and walks around in a red festival suit or a lovely black dress.
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