Sigh another useless "service" offered by now everyone who wanted to play on opposite factions have done so and rerolled thier toons to max level if not several max level toons on various servers. It was a good money maker for blizzard as it kept people in the game longer increasing thier monthly feels as what coulda been done in one month will take a few more. Anyways I think this is a sign that WOW is slowly winding down so blizzard is doing a garage sale every now and then to keep their members happy. The alliance/horde is balancing out so I 'm guessing WOW has a few more years to it before its' phased out completely.
For the moment its generating some extra $25 per toon should people want to reroll on other servers.
* . Faction-Change Service in the Works 06/29/2009 01:58:43 PM PDT
original link: WOW forums
quote reply
We wanted to give everyone a very early heads-up that, in response to player requests, we’re developing a new service for World of Warcraft that will allow players to change their faction from Alliance to Horde or Horde to Alliance. There’s still much work to do and many details to iron out, but the basic idea is that players will be able to use the service to transform an existing character into a roughly equivalent character of the opposing faction on the same realm. Players who ended up creating and leveling up characters on the opposite factions from their friends have been asking for this type of functionality for some time, and we’re pleased to be getting closer to being able to deliver it.
As with all of the features and services we offer, we intend to incorporate the faction-change service in a way that won’t disrupt the gameplay experience on the realms, and there will be some rules involved with when and how the service can be used. The number of variables involved increases the complexity of implementing this service, but we plan to take the time needed to ensure that it lives up to expectations before officially rolling it out. We’ll go into much more detail on all of this here at as development progresses. In the meantime, we wanted to let you know that because this type of functionality requires extensive internal testing well in advance of release, you may be seeing bits and pieces of the service in the test builds we use for the public test realms moving forward.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Event: Mid Summers' Festival
Loots of note:
Captured Flame (pet),
Frostscythe of Lord Ahune (WH)
[Formula: Enchant Weapon - Deathfrost] (Screenshot)
Scorched Stone (Pet) (WH)
[Shards of Ahune] (Rewards Tabard of Summer Flames / Tabard of Summer Skies
| ||
Shards of Ahune Binds when picked up This Item Begins a Quest Requires Level 65 | |
| Continent | Zone | Region | Coords |
Eastern Kingdoms | Arathi Highlands | Hammerfall | [74, 41] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Arathi Highlands | Refuge Pointe | [50, 44] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Badlands | Kargath | [4, 49] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Blasted Lands | Nethergarde Keep | [58, 17] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Burning Steppes | Flame Crest | [62, 29] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Burning Steppes | Morgan's Vigil | [80, 62] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Dun Morogh | Kharanos | [46, 46] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Duskwood | Darkshire | [74, 51] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Elwynn Forest | Goldshire | [43, 65] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Eversong Woods | North Sanctum | [46, 50] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Ghostlands | Tranquillien | [46, 26] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Hillsbrad Foothills | Southshore | [50, 46] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Hillsbrad Foothills | Tarren Mill | [58, 25] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Hinterlands | Aerie Peak | [14, 50] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Hinterlands | Revantusk Village | [76, 74] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Ironforge | Hall of Explorers | [64, 25] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Loch Modan | Thelsamar | [32, 40] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Redridge Mountains | Lakeshire | [24, 59] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Silvermoon City | Court of the Sun | [70, 43] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Silverpine Forest | The Sepulcher | [49, 38] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Stormwind | The Canals | [49, 72] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Stranglethorn Vale | East of Booty Bay | [33, 73] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Stranglethorn Vale | East of Booty Bay | [32, 75] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Swamp of Sorrows | Stonard | [47, 47] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Tirisfal Glades | Brill | [57, 52] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Undercity | Ruins of Lordaeron | [68, 9] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Western Plaguelands | Chillwind Camp | [43, 82] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Westfall | Sentinel Hill | [56, 54] | |
Eastern Kingdoms | Wetlands | Menethil Harbor | [13, 47] | |
Kalimdor | Ashenvale | Astranaar | [38, 54] | |
Kalimdor | Ashenvale | Splintertree Post | [70, 69] | |
Kalimdor | Azuremyst Isle | Azure Watch | [44, 53] | |
Kalimdor | Barrens | Crossroads | [52, 28] | |
Kalimdor | Bloodmyst Isle | Blood Watch | [55, 69] | |
Kalimdor | Darkshore | Auberdine | [37, 46] | |
Kalimdor | Desolace | Nijel's Point | [65, 17] | |
Kalimdor | Desolace | Shadowprey Village | [26, 76] | |
Kalimdor | Durotar | Razor Hill | [52, 47] | |
Kalimdor | Dustwallow Marsh | Brackenwall Village | [33, 30] | |
Kalimdor | Dustwallow Marsh | Theramore Isle | [62, 40] | |
Kalimdor | Exodar, The | The Crystal Hall | [41, 26] | |
Kalimdor | Feralas | Camp Mojache | [72, 47] | |
Kalimdor | Feralas | Feathermoon Stronghold | [28, 44] | |
Kalimdor | Mulgore | Bloodhoof Village | [51, 60] | |
Kalimdor | Orgrimmar | Valley of Wisdom | [47, 38] | |
Kalimdor | Silithus | Cenarion Hold | [57, 34] | |
Kalimdor | Silithus | Cenarion Hold | [46, 44] | |
Kalimdor | Stonetalon Mountains | Sun Rock Retreat | [50, 60] | |
Kalimdor | Tanaris | Gadgetzan | [52, 29] | |
Kalimdor | Tanaris | Gadgetzan | [49, 27] | |
Kalimdor | Teldrassil | Dolanaar | [55, 60] | |
Kalimdor | Teldrassil | Rut'theran Village | [55, 91] | |
Kalimdor | Thousand Needles | Freewind Post | [41, 52] | |
Kalimdor | Thunder Bluff | Spirit Rise | [21, 26] | |
Kalimdor | Winterspring | Everlook | [62, 35] | |
Kalimdor | Winterspring | Everlook | [59, 35] | |
Northrend | Borean Tundra | Bor'gorok Outpost | [51, 12] | |
Northrend | Borean Tundra | Fizzcrank Airstrip | [55, 20] | |
Northrend | Crystalsong Forest | Sunreaver's Command | [80, 53] | |
Northrend | Crystalsong Forest | Windrunner's Overlook | [78, 75] | |
Northrend | Dragonblight | Agmar's Hammer | [39, 48] | |
Northrend | Dragonblight | Wintergarde Keep | [75, 44] | |
Northrend | Grizzly Hills | Amberpine Lodge | [34, 61] | |
Northrend | Grizzly Hills | Conquest Hold | [19, 61] | |
Northrend | Howling Fjord | Camp Winterhoof | [48, 13] | |
Northrend | Howling Fjord | Fort Wildervar | [58, 16] | |
Northrend | Sholazar Basin | River's Heart | [47, 66] | |
Northrend | Sholazar Basin | River's Heart | [47, 62] | |
Northrend | Storm Peaks | K3 | [42, 87] | |
Northrend | Storm Peaks | K3 | [40, 86] | |
Northrend | Zul'Drak | The Argent Stand | [41, 61] | |
Northrend | Zul'Drak | The Argent Stand | [43, 71] | |
Outland | Blade's Edge Mountains | Sylvanaar | [42, 66] | |
Outland | Blade's Edge Mountains | Thunderlord Stronghold | [50, 59] | |
Outland | Hellfire Peninsula | Honor Hold | [62, 58] | |
Outland | Hellfire Peninsula | Thrallmar | [55, 40] | |
Outland | Nagrand | Garadar | [51, 34] | |
Outland | Nagrand | Telaar | [50, 70] | |
Outland | Netherstorm | Area 52 | [31, 63] | |
Outland | Netherstorm | Area 52 | [32, 68] | |
Outland | Shadowmoon Valley | Shadowmoon Village | [33, 30] | |
Outland | Shadowmoon Valley | Wildhammer Stronghold | [40, 55] | |
Outland | Terokkar Forest | Allerian Stronghold | [55, 55] | |
Outland | Terokkar Forest | Stonebreaker Hold | [52, 43] | |
Outland | Zangarmarsh | Telredor | [69, 52] | |
Outland | Zangarmarsh | Zabra'Jin | [36, 52] |
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